

Stanford Team HBV

Webmaster and Social Chair (19-20)

Team HBV is an organization that spreads awareness of Hepatitis B, a deadly virus that can cause liver cancer. After my experiences in high school, I continued to join Stanford's Team HBV chapter. I update and maintain the website, as well as introduce new features and design. I enjoy coming up with unique icebreakers and start interesting conversations that will bring humor to the meeting.


Lynbrook Philosophy Club

President (17-18)

I led philosophy discussions during lunch around topics including Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, and Aesthetics. We also invited students from different backgrounds (Computer Science, Humanities, Arts) to present their perspectives on philosophical questions. Even when taking classes at Stanford about topics such as the ethics of AI, I can refer back to the knowledge and perspective gained from the discussions in this club.





Asian Pacific Association of Student Leaders (APASL) at Lynbrook High School

Co-President (17-18)

As Co-President, I led the efforts to expose Lynbrook students to leadership opportunities in our club and in the community. Our team held workshops on design thinking, public speaking, time management, and other soft skills that are crucial for good leadership. Joining and then leading APASL was what exposed me to Team HBV, since APASL is a Team HBV branch. Club members participated in Team HBV activities such as youth conferences and volunteer opportunities.


Team HBV High School Board

Co-Chair (17-18)

I led the High School Board, which manages all branches of Team HBV high school chapters. We coordinated efforts to spread awareness of Hepatitis B through social media, newsletters, and service in the community. We also organized the annual High School Conference at Stanford's Asian Liver Center (ALC), a fun learning experience for high schoolers around the globe, as a networking event to encourage mutual learning about Hepatitis B and to engage collaboration across chapters.

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